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Benchmark Front Fender for Softails


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All orders are shipped through FedEx Ground. If other arrangements are needed, please contact us!


  • Stamped from 14-gauge U.S. steel, these 6-1/2" wide fenders are E-coated to prevent rust and corrosion with the lowest paint prep in the industry
  • The use of precision deep-draw stamping technology ensures a consistent flawless finish while minimizing body work
  • May also be used in a variety of custom applications
  • No mounting blocks required
  • Made in the U.S.A.
STRAIGHT LINE LENGTH 800,10 MM (31,50") / 800.10 MM / 31.50"
CONTOUR LENGTH 43.50" / 1104.90 MM / 1104,90 MM (43,50")
FENDER WIDTH 165,10 MM (6,50") / 165.10 MM / 6.50"
OUTSIDE MOUNTING WIDTH 168.275 MM / 168,275 MM (6,625") / 6.625"
INSIDE MOUNTING WIDTH 160,34 MM (6,3125") / 6.3125" / 160.34 MM
HEIGHT 337,00 MM (13,25") / 13.25" / 337.00 MM
FOR WHEEL SIZE 533.40 MM / 21.00"
2016-2017 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy S FLSTFBS - -
2016-2017 Harley-Davidson Breakout FXSB - -
2013-2015 Harley-Davidson Breakout FXSB - -
2012-2017 Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy EFI FLSTFI - -
2012-2017 Harley-Davidson Softail Deluxe EFI FLSTNI - -
2012-2017 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic EFI FLSTCI - -
2012-2016 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy Lo FLSTFB - -
2012-2013 Harley-Davidson Blackline FXS - -
2011 Harley-Davidson Blackline FXS - -
2010-2011 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy Lo FLSTFB - -
2007-2011 Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy EFI FLSTFI - -
2007-2011 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic EFI FLSTCI - -
2007-2011 Harley-Davidson Softail Deluxe EFI FLSTNI - -
2007-2010 Harley-Davidson Softail Custom EFI FXSTC - -
2007-2009 Harley-Davidson Softail Night Train EFI FXSTBI - -
2007 Harley-Davidson Softail Standard EFI FXSTI - -
2007 Harley-Davidson Softail Deuce EFI FXSTDI - -
2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Night Train EFI FXSTBI - -
2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Night Train FXSTB - -
2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage EFI FLSTI - -
2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage FLST - -
2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Standard EFI FXSTI - -
2005-2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Deluxe EFI FLSTNI - -
2005-2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Deluxe FLSTN - -
2005 Harley-Davidson 15th Anniversary Fat Boy FLSTF - -
2004-2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC - -
2004-2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy FLSTF - -
2004-2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic EFI FLSTCI - -
2004-2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy EFI FLSTFI - -
2003-2005 Harley-Davidson Softail Night Train EFI FXSTBI - -
2003-2005 Harley-Davidson Softail Night Train FXSTB - -
2003-2005 Harley-Davidson Softail Standard EFI FXSTI - -
2002-2003 Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy EFI FLSTFI - -
2001-2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Deuce EFI FXSTDI - -
2001-2003 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic EFI FLSTCI - -
2001-2002 Harley-Davidson Softail Night Train EFI FXSTBI - -
2001-2002 Harley-Davidson Softail Standard EFI FXSTI - -
2000-2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Deuce FXSTD - -
2000-2003 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC - -
2000-2003 Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy FLSTF - -
2000-2002 Harley-Davidson Softail Night Train FXSTB - -
1999 Harley-Davidson Softail Night Train FXSTB - -
1997-1999 Harley-Davidson Softail Custom FXSTC - -
1997-1999 Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy FLSTF - -
1997-1999 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC - -
1995-1996 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC - -
1995-1996 Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy FLSTF - -
1995-1996 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Special FLSTN - -
1995-1996 Harley-Davidson Softail Custom FXSTC - -
1994 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Special FLSTN - -
1993 Harley-Davidson Softail Nostalgia FLSTN - -
1993 Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy FLSTF - -
1993 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC - -
1993 Harley-Davidson Softail Custom FXSTC - -
1993 Harley-Davidson Softail Standard FXST - -
1991-1992, 1994 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC - -
1991-1992, 1994 Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy FLSTF - -
1991-1992, 1994 Harley-Davidson Softail Custom FXSTC - -
1991-1992 Harley-Davidson Softail Standard FXST - -
1990 Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy FLSTF - -
1987-1990 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC - -
1986-1990 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage FLST - -
1986-1990 Harley-Davidson Softail Custom FXSTC - -
1986-1990 Harley-Davidson Softail Standard FXST